Memory Cross Coloring Cards - An Exciting New Craft For Easter

Memory Cross Coloring Cards - An Exciting New Craft For Easter

Tired of the same old Easter craft ideas? Instead of searching all over looking for unique Easter craft ideas for your Christian school, Sunday school, or Christian kids clubs, you may want to consider Memory Cross Easter Coloring cards!

A Memory Cross is a four panel interactive card that is designed origami style. They unfold to reveal selected bible verses. Most are bright and colorful and are used to share the gospel and aide in Scripture memorization.

However, for Easter, they have a product that is designed to fold like the originals, but look more like coloring book pages. It uses select bible verses to tell the Easter story. Kids will love coloring them and after they are done will still enjoy flipping their creation around to show off the Easter story to others.

The first panel displays Jesus on a donkey on Palm Sunday and the final panel shows the His Resurrection. Even younger children, who may not be able to read the panels yet, can still use this craft to remind them of the Easter story so they can tell it again and again.

After Easter, you can try the regular card styles. They are designed so that if the children use the cards on a regular basis, they could learn 52 bible verses a year.

Don't be surprised to find that starting a unique craft may lead to a church full of kids with heads full of verses!

For more information about Memory Cross products, they are available in selected Christian bookstores or visit online at

Origami - Memory Cross Coloring Cards - An Exciting New Craft For Easter