How to Origami - The 3 Steps Model, a Step Into Modern Origami

How to Origami - The 3 Steps Model, a Step Into Modern Origami

Three-stage model was originally proposed by Mr Brian Chang, MIT students and a wonderful origami artist. His own words, three steps as follows:

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These three steps seem simple enough for the average amateur origami. However, note that the average model that uses this technique, the average time for each stage in hours and sometimes days will be charged. This level of complexity, while discouraged, is also an important factor in assessing the design of origami. There are many stunning works of origami acquire real meaning when you know how much effort the artist put a piece of art.

For those who do not know, is a new 3-phase development in the field of origami design. Since some of these new results origami mathematics, especially geometry and algorithmic graph theory, algorithms and the use of computers as assistants to design origami models have a set of rules, the state that has many, many years changed. These computer-aided design to be translated on paper, not the same as a traditional origami models. It is not as a series folds that run one after the other, but rather a collection of folds that form at the end. Below is a brief description of each step.

In the pre-complex and one round after another, along the artist square folds, folded carefully and, if necessary. The idea is that each folded portion of the site in a way that helps in the fall, when it all fits together. The most important thing that separates the traditional origami origami artist has talent that lets you instantly, that some places were part of the model can understand. This is the only way an artist of the deformation around the square, without a series of origami folds.

Ultimately, the artist, divided as to combine all the folds together with the primary phase of collapse. In traditional origami birds on the basis of a number of databases, or water-based bomb. On the basis of many models are simply adding wrinkles. In all three phases of the model, drop step, you can create a model very similar to origami, the traditional rules, but the degree of complexity. At this point the model does not look like the end result, but it has all the features necessary to model the desired final model.

The transition is probably the way it looks more traditional origami. At this point, origami artist, all his experience, he offers in the last corner, which changes the basic shape of a beautiful work of art. It is also the time when there was no distance between theory and mathematics of art and truth is at stake. This is a step that separates the masters of origami origami artists.

Finally, a computer, anyone can create a model, who is the head, and both of the two legs, but only a true artist, origami who turn into something that resembles a person. And so, to develop independently of new discoveries in mathematics, the use of origami, which is an artistic mind, a constant pursuit of beauty, a piece of paper to work a masterpiece makes .