Developing Creativity in Your Child

Developing Creativity in Your Child

Every child is born creative and they continue to be so until we grownups tell them that this thing works like this and those things are impossible. Every child is born curious, limitless, and free from the "shoulds" and "musts" of society. In other words, their minds and imagination don't have limits until we grownups and society put limits on them.

So with that in mind, it's not more about developing a child's creativity, but encouraging and nurturing what they intrinsically have in the first place. In this article, I'll share with you some important tips on how to encourage your child's creativity.

Be Aware To Which Things Your Child Pays Attention In

If you keep close attention of your precious one, you'll notice things that he or she pays attention to. Children have different inclinations. Regardless, take note of what they are most interested in and support that interest in whatever manner you can.

If they have inclinations towards arts and colors, buy them supplies (take safety into precaution). If they are more into kinesthetic stuff (like picking up a ball), maybe you should acquire a toy basketball hoop. You get the idea. Even though they might not end up with the same interest eventually, it is best to encourage their interests at a young age. Nothing stops a child's creativity more than making them feel that they can't pursue their interest.

Give positive feedback

Yes, only positive feedback but let me qualify that. You should compliment your kid for what he or she is doing correctly (like painting inside the lines). However, if he or she is painting outside the lines, instead of constructive criticism (babies won't take it as constructive either way with their fragile egos) it's best to guide them towards the "correct" way to do it.

If he or she is drawing outside the lines, guide him or her draw inside the lines and let him or her decide if it looks better, then you'll child would've figured out what's right and wrong by himself. There you have it, very important tips to develop creativity in your child.

Origami - Developing Creativity in Your Child