Origami As Gifts - Past and Present

Origami As Gifts - Past and Present

He returned to Japan in the sixth century, origami became popular after the ruling classes below. The cost of paper, the poorest, which means that most of them were not able to practice this art form does. Origami was a gift of love and respect between the fans and also show a military soldier. Origami gift than a unique gift and gave a lot of respect.

Even now, there arose one of the most popular ways to express love origami and origami flower delivery, in particular. These are drawings that show the popular creator of a skillful paper folder.

One of the earliest forms of origami is a very simplified packaging paper for packaging looks good in Japan, AD 800-1200. It was only the rich and powerful, and some years 1340-1575, such as paper, as cheaper, more and more began to use the Origami usual to give people gifts.

Samurai Warriors is a form of origami, the very strict rules and guidelines, such as paper and the model has to make. Wrap the fish into small pieces and crafts, origami, and present them as gifts to other Warriors sign of respect and admiration.

Some schools, such as origami Ogasawaryu school begins in the 13th Century is known, has a rich history of tradition, a paper. They did what they say, oregano, a paper bag, a kind gift. The bag from the bag contents, not just an arbitrary figure. Oregano is an important way that surrounds the heart to another.

A different kind of origami, which has been left with gifts, became Tstutsumi. Tstutsumi folding origami is a gift of flowers used in religious ceremonies. It was a gesture in the name of the gift giver. Very popular in the Kamakura period, 1185-1333 AD, as "chow Awab" known, have been dried in a narrow strip of a sea snail, and wrapped a rope trees.

Well-known origami design gift was and still is the crane. This is not only a long history as a gift and a blessing of happiness, but it is a great myth about him. If one person in a position to make a thousand cranes of paper is granted his only wish is desirable. You can imagine the history of origami is a complex project. When you fold the crane or invested a rose as a gift to another person, the time and effort in this case, it is sometimes to come to the most precious gift .